Unable to save variables in express session

I am trying to create session based authentication for my web application. I have the following auth function:

function authenticate(req, res) {
  var body = req.body;

  getAuthUser(body.username, function (err, result) {

      if (hash(body.password) != result.password) {
          // invalid pass

      req.session['user'] = result;

      console.log(req.session); // 'user' session is displayed here


I also have middleware that guarantees user authentication when accessing protected content:

function validateRequest(req, res, next) {
  console.log(req.session); // 'user' session is not displayed here
  (req.session.user) ? next() : res.redirect('/login');


The problem is that my middleware does not see the stored variable by the function authenticate

. Thank you in advance.


This is how I use my middleware:




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1 answer

You don't have req

in another function as it is out of scope . You can put req in the global scope, then you can access it in any other function global.req=req

and then refer to it in another function with global.req

as the function will have req passed to the scope and not the top frame

Now I realized that the router is running until req.session.user

set toresult



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