C # TableAdapter does not insert or update

I have a database called DB.mdf, in my program I am using this code to insert a new row into this database:

DBDataSet ds = new DBDataSet();
DBDataSetTableAdapters.IPTableAdapter ipadap = new DBDataSetTableAdapters.IPTableAdapter();



InsertQuery: INSERT INTO [IP] ([ID], [indirizzo]) VALUES (0, @indirizzo);

The program goes through all the steps, but does not insert a row into the database. Why?

UPDATE I have now tried this code:

DBDataset.IPRow newRegionRow;
newRegionRow = db.IP.NewIPRow();
newRegionRow.ID = "6";
newRegionRow.indirizzo = "NorthWestern";
// Add the row to the Region table
// Save the new row to the database


And in this case don't write a new line in the database


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1 answer

I found a bug !!! I didn't know that Visual Studio during development will create a copy of the database in / bin and work with the copy of the database.

Thanks everyone.




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