Push notifications for Apple Watch

From what I figured out (which might be completely wrong, and therefore this post doesn't make sense), I need to create a separate APP id in my developer portal for my Watch app / extension.

I did this and now I have 3 App IDs and their full set of pre-made profiles.

The archive is working fine and I am about to submit it, but I can see that since there is an application id I can bind the PUSH (apn) certificate. Since the Apple Watch doesn't really receive notifications, but the phone really does, do I really need to create special certifications for the Apple Watch? And use their associated .p12 wherever needed (like parse.com)?

Or can I just ignore this and keep the usual phone certificates?



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1 answer

If you already have push notifications configured for your iPhone app, they will be automatically delivered to Watch. You don't need to configure any individual certificates.

Docs: https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/General/Conceptual/WatchKitProgrammingGuide/BasicSupport.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40014969-CH18-SW1

Also, I have already deployed several applications and have first-hand experience.



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