Java 8 - filtering a collection using an external parameter

I have a base class map (Animal) containing specific successors. I want to filter and get an array using java stream and every time I write the following complete long line of code:
(e.g. filter on concrete dog class)

     filter(x -> x instanceof Dog).
     map(x -> (Dog) x).


Is there a way to abstract this?

I want to implement a private method with the following signature:

filterMapByType(Map<String,Animal> map, Class<T extends Animal> type)


or something like that.


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4 answers

You can provide IntFunction

for a call toArray

to get an array of type T instead of an array of objects.

public static <T extends Animal> T[] filterMapByType(Map<String, Animal> map, Class<T> type, IntFunction<T[]> generator) {
    return map.values()


and for an example call:

Dog[] dogs = filterMapByType(map, Dog.class, Dog[]::new);



is equivalent length -> new Dog[length]

, that is, a function that takes an int parameter as and returns an array of type Dog

with size length


If returning a list is possible, you can use .collect(toList());

instead .toArray(generator);




Sure. The only thing you need to do differently is the class method # isAssignableFrom (class) , not instanceof

. Oh, and use Reflection to create that array, of course. Check Array.html # newInstance (class, int) for this.

So the end result will look something like this (although not tested):

filterMapByType(Map<String,Animal> map, Class<T extends Animal> type) {
    return map.values().stream().
               toArray(Array.newInstance(type, map.size()));




Yes, you can of course preempt the predicate condition and at runtime based on the predicate condition it can decide which one to filter.

eg. I wrote a sample program to demonstrate this.

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.function.Predicate;

public class AnimalSelector {

    public static void main(String args[]){
        List<Animal> animalList = Arrays.asList(new Dog(),new Horse(),new Human(),new Dog(),new Horse(),new Human());
        Predicate<Animal> dogFilter = x-> x instanceof  Dog;

        Predicate<Animal> humanFilter = x-> x instanceof  Human;

        Predicate<Animal> horseFilter = x-> x instanceof  Dog;


    public static <Animal> List<Animal> toAnimalArray(List<Animal> animalList,Predicate<Animal> filterCondition){


interface Animal{
    public void eat();


class Dog implements  Animal{
    private String animalType;
    public Dog( ) {
        this.animalType = "dog";

    public void eat() {


    public String toString() {
        return "Dog{" +
                "animalType=" + animalType +

class Human implements  Animal{

    private String animalType;
    public Human( ) {
        this.animalType = "Human";

    public void eat() {


    public String toString() {
        return "Human{" +
                "animalType=" + animalType +

class Horse implements  Animal{
    private String animalType;
    public Horse( ) {
        this.animalType = "Horse";

    public void eat() {


    public String toString() {
        return "Horse{" +
                "animalType=" + animalType +




I recently wrote a small library called StreamEx , which, among other things, can easily solve your problem:



Also note that it does not add a map step. Instead, it uses an unsafe post-filtering listing because it already knows that all flow elements are now dogs. This keeps the pipeline shorter.

