
Add a start div tag to an element tag and an end div to another element

I have this html structure (see below)

<div class="pagination_info"></div>
<div class="pagination_numbers"></div>


Now I want to add a div start tag before div.pagination_info and add a div end tag after div.pagination_numbers so the expected result should be (see below)

<div class="pagination_wrapper">
    <div class="pagination_info"></div>
    <div class="pagination_numbers"></div>


what i have tried so far (see below)

$('.pagination_info').before('<div class="pagination_wrapper">');


so presumably what I am trying to achieve is to wrap the .pagination_info div and .pagination_numbers with a parent div that has the class name "pagination_wrapper", but unfortunately not successful yet. Any help, suggestion, advice, ideas, hints for doing this work would be greatly appreciated. Thank.


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2 answers

jQuery has a wrapAll method :

$(".pagination_info, .pagination_numbers").wrapAll("<div class=\"pagination_wrapper\">");


Working example




will wrap two divs around the new div:

$(".pagination_info, .pagination_numbers").wrapAll("<div class='pagination_wrapper'>");



