How to add language translation to amcharts?

I added cn.js

in amcharts/lang

as well as makechart

added language: property "cn", but nothing happens.

Also, is there a way to translate the axis labels?


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1 answer

The diagram does not load the language file. You must enable it as the rest of the JS includes:

<script src="amcharts/amcharts.js"></script>
<script src="amcharts/serial.js"></script>
<script src="amcharts/lang/cn.js"></script>


Also, as you correctly pointed out, you need to add a statement to the diagram to use a specific language:

AmCharts.makeChart( "chartdiv", {
  "language": "cn",
} );


As for the axis labels, if you are using the category axis by date ( parseDates: true

), then the month / day of the week in the dates will be counted by the chart itself if your translation files include them.

If it is a series-based regular chart, the chart will use whatever is in the "categoryField" of your data as category labels. This means that you will need your details to include these tags / categories in your target language.


var chartData = [ {
  "category": "First label",
  "value": 100
}, {
  "category": "Second label",
  "value": 200
}, {
  "category": "Third label",
  "value": 300
} ];




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