Modify VMConfig file with azure powershell

I have a vmConfig file. I want to change the subnet and IP address as I want to create a new VM from the config file on the new subnet, the rest of the settings do not need to be changed. I can manually edit the content of the xml file, but I want to do it through powershell so that I have an automatic process for everything.

Here is an example vmConfig xml -

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<PersistentVM xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
    <ConfigurationSet xsi:type="NetworkConfigurationSet">
          <IdleTimeoutInMinutes xsi:nil="true" />
      <PublicIPs />
      <NetworkInterfaces />


I'm only interested in changing the IP address and subnet.


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1 answer

It's basically xml parsing using powershell. I hope this works for you -

$path = 'C:\myFolder\XmlVM.xml'
[xml]$myXML = Get-Content $path




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