Adding text to different bars in a grid when the scales are split?

I would like to add text labels (like a, b, c, d) to various panels in a multi-line lattice graphic. I would like the text to appear at the same point (i.e. the top left corner) in every plot, however I cannot do this when the scales are not constant.

X <- rnorm(100)
Y <- rnorm(100)
n <- c(rep("control", 5), rep("low", 5), rep("medium", 5), 
       rep("high", 5), rep("v.high", 5))
Z <- c(rep("a", 25), rep("b", 25), rep("c", 25), rep("d", 25))

df1 <- data.frame(X, Y, n, Z)

MyText <- c("(c)", "(d)", "(a)", "(b)")

xyplot(X ~ Y|Z, data=df1,
   panel=function(x, y,...){
     panel.xyplot(x, y,...)
     panel.text(-1, 1.5, labels=MyText[panel.number()]) 
   ylab = expression(paste(delta, ""^"15", "N")),
   xlab = expression(paste(delta, ""^"13", "C")),
   strip = F,
   auto.key=list(columns= 5, title="Treatments", cex.title=1))


If anyone has any advice on this, your help would be greatly appreciated.


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1 answer

One way: grid.text

by referencing the desired location with coordinates npc

where the bottom left corner is (0, 0) and the top right corner is (1, 1).

xyplot(X~Y|Z, data=df1,
       panel=function(x, y,...) {
         grid.text(MyText[panel.number()], unit(0.05, 'npc'), unit(0.95, 'npc'))
       ylab = expression(paste(delta, ""^"15","N")),
       xlab = expression(paste(delta, ""^"13","C")),
       strip = F,
       auto.key=list(columns= 5, title="Treatments", cex.title=1))


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