Geoserver on Microsoft Azure website

I need to add some data Geoserver

to my Azure Website. I'm just wondering if I need to install Geoserver

this in my account (if possible) or is there some other way?

As I just looked around I found that this link works If this link works, does that mean we can set up Geoserver



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2 answers

There are several ways to do this.

One option is to use a simple legacy Azure Web App with GeoServer Web Archive (WAR file).

To do this, download the GeoServer web archive version. Then, create a web app in the Azure portal. In the application settings, you must specify the Java 8 version and the Tomcat version higher than 7.0.65. Then all you have to do is load the GeoServer WAR file into /site/wwwroot/webapps


Once you have done this, you can access the GeoServer by visiting your web application with the path /geoserver

appended to the URL. But be patient, the initial startup is slow and may take several minutes.

Another option is to deploy the container image. I ended up creating it myself for use in an Azure web app.

To use it, you need a Linux Application Servicing Plan. When building your web application, select Docker Hub as the container image source and use as the image coderpatros/geoserver-azure-web-app

. You can also specify a tag to use a specific version of GeoServer. those. coderpatros/geoserver-azure-web-app:2.14.2

... The available tags can be found on the Docker Hub at

. Once you have created a Web application, you need to go to the app settings, and set the WEBSITES_ENABLE_APP_SERVICE_STORAGE

value true

to include persistent storage.



The Azure marketplace has an OpenGeo Suite that assists in publishing maps and data from different formats and sources using GeoServer.

Not sure if this will help you, but here ... OpenGeo Suite



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