SUM in a recursive procedure

I have a problem with a recursive procedure. Here is a script I made that works well (apart from the amount I will explain later):

    select Mother, Child, CONVERT(Numeric(10,0), Quantity) as Quantity 
    from bilangammestest 

    union all 

    select M.mother, R.Child, CONVERT(Numeric(10,0), M.quantity * R.Quantity) as Quantity 
    from Result R 
    INNER JOIN bilangammestest M ON M.Child = R.Mother

select * from result
where mother not in (select child from bilangammestest)


Here is the data I have in my table Bilangammestest


Z A 1    
Z Y 1    
A B 2    
Y B 2    
B C 3


Here's the result:

Z A 1    
Z Y 1    
Z C 6    
Z C 6    
Z B 2    
Z B 2


Here is the end result I want:

Z A 1    
Z Y 1    
Z C 12    
Z B 4


I tried to do sum

but I could not do it right


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2 answers

The last request should be:

select MOTHER, CHILD, sum(quantity) quantity
from result
where mother not in (select child from bilangammestest )
group by MOTHER, CHILD




Use group by

SELECT firstcolname, secondcolname, sum(thircolname) GROUP BY firstcolname, secondcolname




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