C # function parameter Array vs List

I am writing a simple C # class that handles SQL queries in a specific competition. Most of the requests will be SELECT

with parameters 3-4, which must be escaped properly, so the function will look something like this:

public DataTable Select(string query, string[] parameters) {
    # some code


Should there parameters

be Array

or List<>

? Is there some kind of best practice when choosing between these two types as a function parameter, or is it just a matter of preference?

PS I usually prefer it List<>

because of the flexibility, but here's a good opportunity to create Array

on the fly.


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6 answers

You have to use IEnumerable, then it can be either with list

, and array

implement this

public DataTable Select(string query, IEnumerable<string> parameters)


They also implement IList

and ICollection

, which may offer other useful properties, as demonstrated by Tim Schmelter in the comments



According to the principle of "Trustworthiness" or "Postel Law" (emphasis mine):

Be conservative in what you do, be liberal in what you accept from others.

In other words, use the "widest" type that is higher than the inheritance hierarchy to:

  • demand as little as possible from the user,
  • and provide the user with as many options as possible.

In this case:

  • If all you have to do is iterate over a set of parameters, then you must require the user to have an instance of a type that can be iterated over: in this case, it is IEnumerable<T>

  • If you needed to add / remove elements, that ICollection<T>

    would be the most liberal option
  • If for some reason you need to access the elements by index, then you should require IList<T>



At the top of what nvoig said, I would:

public DataTable Select(string query, params string[] parameters)
    return Select(query, (IEnumerable<string>)parameters);

public DataTable Select(string query, IEnumerable<string> parameters)
    return null;


so if you have a "static" query you can use the first overload (because you specified the number of parameters at compile time), and if you have a "dynamic" query you can use the second overload with string[]

or List<string>

or the result of a LINQ expression ...



Personally, I would have expected at least one overload that gives me the ability to pass an array of params:

public DataTable Select(string query, params string[] parameters);


This would allow me to call it with parameters like this:

Select("SELECT FROM WHERE", "3", "17", "Joe");


Anyone with IEnumerable<>

can easily pass it:

Select("SELECT FROM WHERE", myData.ToArray());


It would be better to overload doing this for me.



In general, I would use IEnumerable<T>

if you were only reading from sequence.

In this particular context, however, I would just use a type params string[]

or even params object[]

, since you can use it like String.Format

, i.e.

var dt = Select("select A from Table where X=? and Y=?", value1, value2);




If your parameters are of the same type (string here), you can use the params keyword with a string array.

public DataTable Select(string query, params string[] parameters) 


So you can call it like below

Select(myQuery, param1, param2, ...);




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