C # 2013 default certificate could not be generated. Post interrupt

When I try to run the .exe that I built in VS 2013 from C #, it works fine on the computer I compiled it on. When I try to run the program on different machines, I get exception errors.

So I tried to post the program and I am getting this error

Failed to create default certificate. Publishing an interrupt

If I run the executable from a machine that has Visual Studio, it works fine.

When I try to create a certificate, I get the error

A user profile is a temporary profile. (exception from HRESULT: 0x80090024)

I would like this executable to run on startup on all Windows 7 computers in our school.


source to share

3 answers

You need to tell the publisher where to get the certificate from:

  • Go to Project-> Properties
  • Go to the tab called "Signing"
  • Select the Sign ClickOnce Manifest check box. This allows a section where you can specify the certificate.
  • Click the "Select from file ..." button. In the list of directories, select the key file (.pfx) and "Open".
  • In step 3, click the button labeled "More ...". This will display the certificate you just selected.
  • Click "Install Certificate" and follow the instructions.
  • Save and publish the solution.


Start Visual Studio as Administrator (Run as Administrator)



Run as administrator, worked for me (VS2017).



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