Running JavaScript file to fetch mongodb requests

I have a list of .find () requests, for example:



I want to run requests from a javascript file then save the outputs to a text file

The important thing for me is getting results from .explain () in a text file too

Is it possible? and how can i achieve this?


source to share

2 answers

example script test.js:

conn = new Mongo('hostname');
db = conn.getDB('dbName');

var temp =  db.collection.find().explain()

// do what ever you want


run on command line:

mongo hostname test.js



MongoDB shell version: 2.4.9 connecting to: hostname/test 
  "cursor": "BasicCursor",
  "isMultiKey": false,
  "n": 4795,
  "nscannedObjects": 4795,
  "nscanned": 4795,
  "nscannedObjectsAllPlans": 4795,
  "nscannedAllPlans": 4795,
  "scanAndOrder": false,
  "indexOnly": false,
  "nYields": 0,
  "nChunkSkips": 0,
  "millis": 2,
  "indexBounds": {
  "server": "XXX:XXX"




Since the method explain()

returns JSON, you can store it in a variable.

var temp = db.tweets.find({},{"":1}).explain();




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