Can't set value for Environment field in Jira using Jira REST Java Client

I don't see any method issueBuilder

for setting a value for the "Environment" field in "creating a problem". The environment field is not hidden. I see this on the Create Problem screen.


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2 answers

The environment field is available when created using the REST API in the "fields" group: JIRA 6.4.12 REST API documentation

So the array "fields" looks like this: PHP:

"fields" => array(
    "project" => array("key" => 'WHATEVER'),
    "summary" => $summary,
    "description" => $description,
    "environment" => $environment,
    "issuetype" => array("id" => $issueType)


Make sure the environment field is part of the default screen for this project. If not, the problem will not be created.



The builder does not have a dedicated method for the environment field, but you can use the setFieldValue, fe method: builder.setFieldValue("environment", "Some value")



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