Retrieving data from a PHP singleton class

I am trying to store information about files that will be transferred to the backend, so I created a singleton class with a static array and static methods that access the array.

However, when it comes to getting data, I just get an empty array. Where am I wrong here?

class FileStore {

private static $_tempFileData = array();
private static $initialized = false;

private function __construct() {}

private static function initialize() {
    if (self::$initialized)
    self::$initialized = true;

public static function storeTempFileData($data) {
    self::$_tempFileData[] = $data;

public static function getTempFileData() {
    return self::$_tempFileData;

public static function clearTempFileData() {



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1 answer

First of all, it is not a single class, but a static class. Singleton involves creating an instance of a class.

In your code, I can see that it is storeTempFileData

adding a value to a static variable, but getTempFileData

not returning the same value - returning an array.

Another problem is after you undo self::$_tempFileData

it is no longer an array. Thus, self::$_tempFileData[] = $data;

will trigger a notification.

Basically I think you need to change self::$_tempFileData[] = $data;

to self::$_tempFileData = $data;




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