Optional parameter value in Symfony main config.yml

I would like to write something like this in the main application config.yml


  some_value: %local_value%


If the parameter local_value

is taken from a file parameters_local.yml

. However, I would like this value to be optional - if the user of the application does not provide a parameter local_value

in theirs parameters_local.yml

, I would like it to be set to null.

If I leave the config.yml

way I indicated it above and try to omit local_value

from parameters_local.yml

, I get the following error message:

You have requested a non-existent parameter "local_value".


Is there a way to get around this?


source to share

1 answer

Don't use the parameter at all. The developer must decide what he or she wants to define as a parameter and what not.

  • In your configuration, specify this value as optional:


  • Let the user decide what works best:

    # config.yml
    my_section: ~
    # config.yml
        some_value: ABC
    # parameters.yml
    my_section_some_value: 123
    # config.yml
        some_value: %my_section_some_value%
    # config.yml:
        my_section_some_value: 321
        some_value: %my_section_some_value%

  • Your application / library MUST NOT depend on any of the above solutions.



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