How to specify range in .htaccess file for url redirect

I am trying to redirect url if ctatId is something between 45 and 600. For example below

<pre> RewriteEngine on RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} Delhi/(.*)/[45-600] RewriteRule Delhi/(.*)/[45-600] pages/sub_category.php?city=Delhi&catId=$2 </pre>

but the problem is that it also redirects the url for catiId = 4

and each catId

that starts with 4

, like 41,42

, etc. i think there is something wrong by specifying the range



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1 answer

You have to use a regular expression, that means you need something like:




  • starts with 4, then 5-9
  • or starts with 5-9 followed by another digit
  • or starts with 1-6, then 2 more digits

So, you just need:

RewriteRule Delhi/(.*)/(4[5-9]|[5-9][0-9]|[1-6][0-9][0-9]) pages/sub_category.php?city=Delhi&catId=$2




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