R markdown ioslides incremental mode for code snippets

How do you incorporate R code snippets progressively?

For example, I put the following parameter in the header:

...other configurations...
    incremental: true


But incremental mode only applies to bullets, not code codes

## Slide 1
  * this bullet point appears first
  * this bullet point appears second
```{r eval=FALSE}
# This chunk is there from the beginning


So my question is: How can you make a piece after the second bullet?


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1 answer

You can use the attribute .build

## Slide 1 {.build}
  * this bullet point appears first
  * this bullet point appears second
```{r eval=FALSE}
# This chunk appears third


There is a small problem with this solution: On first slide, nothing will be displayed on this slide. You need to navigate twice for the first marker point to appear.



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