Lithium routes with different locales

I have an i18n route in Li3 that looks like this:

Router::connect('/{:locale:[a-z]{2}/{:args}', [], [
    'continue' => true,
    'persist' => ['locale'],


This way, when a user (or crawler) enters my site with a language prefix, the locale is used to generate every link on the site.

For SEO purposes, I need to create URLs in other locales like:

GET /en/profile/john-doe
Canonical URL:
Link hreflang for es:
Link hreflang for pt:


My monetary approach clones the current request, changes the locale, removes locale

from the array, persist

and uses $request->to('url', ['absolute' => true]);


But I cannot get rid of the locale.

Any suggestions for fixing this?


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1 answer

Finally, I figured it was extending the class HTML


use lithium\template\helper\Html as BaseHtml;

class Html extends BaseHtml
     * Returns href lang link for a locale for the current request.
     * @param string $locale
     * @return string <link />
    public function getHrefLinkForLocale($locale)
        return $this->link(
            'Canonical URL for ' . $locale,
            compact('locale') + $this->getRequest()->params,
                'absolute' => true,
                'rel' => 'alternate',
                'type' => 'alternate',
                'hreflang' => $locale,




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