Xcode 6 ignores breakpoints - Swift

Xcode 6 completely ignores my breakpoints. I've seen the post here since 2008 but the answers are out of date and don't seem to work.


This only happens with projects that I run. All of my uploaded open source projects are working fine, as well as projects that I started a few months ago.


This is what I get when I create a new project and set a breakpoint at viewDidLoad

enter image description here


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4 answers

After trying many different things, I ran

defaults delete com.apple.dt.Xcode


This reset my Xcode preferences. Now when I create a new project the breakpoints are working fine.

I realized that the problem came up when I added Cocoapods to the project. B / c immediately after starting pod install

, breakpoints stopped working. I do not know why.

Hope this helps anyone with the same problem.



I had a similar problem when I added a target to my project. Breakpoints placed on this target were ignored.

The solution was to set the "Debug Info Format" in the new target setting to "DWARF with dysm"

In XCode 7.1 the default is DWARF



Close Xcode and delete the received data and then start Xcode again, it will work



There can be different culprits for this, usually setting the Release build scheme instead of Debug.

For me it was the Debug optimization level set to -O0 in my target build settings. Changing it to "Swift [-O, O1]" makes Xcode's breakpoint repeat again.

enter image description here

There is an interesting post here:




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