Sorting NSDates array using sort function

I have a model class called Event


import Foundation
import MapKit

public class Event {

    let id: Int
    var title: String?
    let status: String
    let location: String
    var description: String?
    var latitude: CLLocationDegrees?
    var longitude: CLLocationDegrees?
    var startDate: NSDate?
    var endDate: NSDate?

    init(id: Int, location: String, status: String) { = id
        self.location = location
        self.status = status



I am receiving event data from web API as JSON response. Then I create objects Event

to parse the JSON data and put them in a typed array ( var events = [Event]()


private func processEventData(data: JSON) {
    var events = [Event]()

    if let eventsArray = data.array {
        for eventObj in eventsArray {
            let event = Event(
                id: eventObj["id"].int!,
                location: eventObj["location"].string!,
                status: eventObj["status"].string!
            event.title = eventObj["title"].string
            event.description = eventObj["description"].string
            event.latitude = eventObj["lat"].double
            event.longitude = eventObj["lng"].double
            event.startDate = NSDate(string: eventObj["start"].string!)
            event.endDate = NSDate(string: eventObj["end"].string!)




Next, I need to sort this array by property value startDate

. I tried to sort the array using the new Swift standard library function sort

like this.

var orderedEvents = events.sort({ $0.startDate! < $1.startDate! })


But strangely I am getting the following error.

Can't call 'sort' with an argument list like '((_, _) -> _)'

I don't understand why I can't sort it like this, because I have a typed array.

Any idea what I am doing wrong here?


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1 answer

You cannot directly compare dates using an operator <

. From there, you have a couple of options. First, you can use the NSDate function compare


events.sort({ $$ == NSComparisonResult.OrderedAscending })


Another way is to get the date property .timeIntervalSince1970

, which is NSTimeInterval

, which can be compared directly:

events.sort({ $ < $ })




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