Is there a difference between running a Python 3 generator with the following (gen) and gen.send (None)?

When you create a Python 3 generator and start running it right away. You will receive an error:

TypeError: can't send non-None value to a just-started generator


And in order to go (send messages or receive something from it) you first have to call __next__

on it: next(gen)

or pass None to it gen.send(None)


def echo_back():
    while True:        
        r = yield

# gen is a <generator object echo_back at 0x103cc9240>
gen = echo_back()

# send anything that is not None and you get error below
# this is expected though

# TypeError: can't send non-None value to a just-started generator

# Either of the lines below will "put the generator in an active state"
# Don't need to use both

gen.send('Hello Stack Overflow')

# Prints: Hello Stack Overflow)


Both methods give the same result (start the generator).

What is the difference, if any, between starting the generator with next(gen)

as opposed to gen.send(None)



source to share

1 answer

From generator.send()


When send () is called to start a generator, it must be called with None as an argument, because there is no yield expression that could receive a value.

A call next()

on the generator starts execution until the first expression yield

to which no values ​​can be sent None

, which will become the value of that expression yield

(for example, x = yield


Both next(gen)

both gen.send(None)

behave the same (i.e. no difference in usage).



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