How to pass a matrix by reference or get the return value of a function

I have a 1 x 118 matrix called current_load

which I have to update periodically. This matrix is ​​in the main Matlab workspace (as shown below in the code).

current_loads = zeros(1, 118); 
for col=1:118
    current_loads(1,col)=10; %// Initially give all nodes a current load of 10    
recursive_remove(current_loads); %calling function


This matrix will be passed to the function call recursive_remove

(see below).

function updater = recursive_remove( current_load )
     current_load(1,3) = 2.6; %// This update can't be seen from main ??
     %this function will be called recursively later


But whatever I do with this matrix current_load

from this function, it will not update as I don't know how to pass it by reference.

I am new to Matlab. I would really appreciate if you could show an example on how to handle this


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2 answers

EDIT: "How to pass a parameter by reference in Matlab" You can solve your problem by passing your arguments by reference

You need a class

Class handling

Objects that exchange references with other objects

this, create a file named HandleObject.m with this code:

classdef HandleObject < handle

      function obj=HandleObject(receivedObject)


Then you can do something like this

Object = HandleObject(your matrix)


And inside your function

function yourFunction(myObject)
    myObject.object = new matrix;


With this you can get some kind of link pass and avoid getting a lot of copies caused by your program.



The output of the recursive_remove function is undefined and therefore you cannot use it elsewhere.

In Matlab, you define the outputs of functions with square brackets as shown below.

function [ output1, output2 ] = recursive_remove( input1, input2 )

Outputs can now be passed to other MATLAB Docs functions .

When you call the function in the above example in another function, as you did in the first bit of code, you call it as shown:

current_loads = zeros(1, 118); 
for col=1:118
    current_loads(1,col)=10; %Initially give all nodes a current load of 10    
[ output1, output2 ] = recursive_remove( input1, input2 ); %calling function


With this syntax you can take output1

and call it in the input of the following functionrecursive_remover



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