Conditional attribute with data_bag_item in chef?

I need to set the default attribute (from cookbook dependency) to the value that I have included in the database. I want the attribute to be set to data_bag_item or nil if it doesn't exist. In attribute.rb


if defined?(data_bag_item('databag', 'item'))
    default["something"]["item"] = data_bag_item('databag', 'item')
    default["something"]["item"] = nil


Later, in my own recipe, I check to see if a variable is set to zero, but it seems that her error as an error (this is similar to the condition is not satisfied, therefore, default["something"]["item"]

is not created) No resource, method, or local variable named 'default' for 'Chef::Recipe "something"'


What am I doing wrong here?

( EDIT I study chef the way I study Ruby here. I could be totally wrong about using the in-case conventions. I'm open to all critics here!)


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1 answer

I'm not sure about the full context of your recipe, but it looks like you should change default

to node

. What for? default

is used to set values ​​that can be changed for each deployed node, but when you use a script, you can get the value with node

. So just change default["something"]["item"]

to node["something"]["item"]

where you are checking the variable.



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