How to merge Git of a pushed copy of a branch

I did this:

cd /repo1
git clone <remote-repo>
git checkout -b mynewbranch
git add
git commit
git add
git commit

cd /repo2
git clone <remote-repo>

cd /repo1
git checkout master
git merge mynewbranch
# messages
# All merged Ok.

git checkout mynewbranch
git push /repo2 mynewbranch:mynewbranch

cd /repo2
git branch
* master
git merge mynewbranch
# Tons of merge conflict errors


The repo1 and repo2 directories contain clones of the same version and code branch. git branch -r

says the same thing in both directories.

Merging my branch into repo1 works fine. But when I push that branch on repo2 and try to do the same merge, I get merge conflicts.

What am I missing? Can this be done correctly?


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