How to use Kendo grid in Angular -ngRepeat

How to create kendo-grid

with different data for each iteration ng-repeat


HTML code:

<div ng-repeat="PricesPerGroup in AllGroups">
    <kendo-grid options="GridOptions"></kendo-grid>


JavaScript code:

$scope.GridOptions = {
    dataSource: {
        data: {
            (data is current 'PricesPerGroup' - Should bring it from ng-repeat)



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1 answer

Try using a helper function that will return the correct config object:

<div ng-repeat="PricesPerGroup in AllGroups">
    <kendo-grid options="getGridOptions(PricesPerGroup)"></kendo-grid>


And in the controller:

$scope.getGridOptions = function(data) {
    return {
        dataSource: {
            data: data





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