Smart TV App Tools

I need to create an app for Smart TV. I have googled but I dont find anything that can help me. And I want to know if it is possible to create a Java-only application without JavaScript? What should I use? Help me please :) Thanks in advance!


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2 answers

it totally depends on which Smart TV platform you want to develop for ie Samsung, LG, Vizio, Sharp, etc. there is also another thing that some TVs have different OS for the same modal, for example. LG has webOS and Netcast.

they have their own dedicated developer forums that you can check out.

can also develop using .net, HTML5, CSS, jQuery, etc.



It depends on the TV brand you want to roll out. If you want to develop in Java you can make an android android app:

For Samsung, Tizen: , but I believe HTML / JS development



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