WSO2 IS - Active Directory Login - Not Working Correctly

I have connected my Active Directory as an additional user store and can see the list of users when I select Users, however when accessing the APP through tomcat which is associated with SAML SSO, I cannot login with AD account

can anyone suggest what I am missing?

error in system logs

TID[-1234] [IS] [2014-02-13 13:49:02,321] DEBUG {org.wso2.carbon.identity.application.authenticator.basicauth.BasicAuthenticator} - user authentication failed due to invalid credentials.

however my credentials are correct ...


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3 answers

Because I was using the email address as the login that was causing the problem!

the steps taken are as follows:

IS_HOME / repository / conf / carbon.xml file.

  • Open carbon.xml
  • Find the EnableEmailUserName element and uncomment it.
  • Finally, it should look like the following true
  • Now restart IS

You can login using your username



Could you please check if you can login to WSO2 Management Console using the above credentials. If you can't, go to Management Console -> Configure -> Users and Roles -> Roles and you will see Internal \ All Role. And set up "login" permission for each role. Then try to login ...

Also, if you enable debug logs in org.wso2.carbon.user.core

, you may see more debug logs about authentication error.



I think your config is not approved. Login issue has already been resolved here. cannot log into wso2 Identity server with ldap credentials . Make sure the UserDNPattern property is correct.



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