Python: using List List instead of loop to improve performance

I have a type from a dictionary (example)

l =('1037_97',["a","b","c","d","e"])


I want to save a file (las format), but Liblas can only write one dot.

for l in Groups.iteritems():
    for p in xrange(len(l[1])):


I am trying to use if possible with a List List to save the code and speed up the loop


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2 answers

If you want a shorter solution, consider using map()

for an inner loop, or even both. But this is unlikely to lead to significant performance gains. However, it for p in l[1]:

may be faster than this c xrange

. The following example should do what you wanted in one line:

map(lambda g: map(file_out.write, g), groups.itervalues())


Now compare the performance of different implementations. Here I tried to measure time from some test data:

import timeit

groups = dict(('1037_%d' % i, ["a","b","c","d","e"]) for i in xrange(100))

class FOut(object):
    def write(self, v):
        #print v

file_out = FOut()

def using_map():
    map(lambda g: map(file_out.write, g), groups.itervalues())

def initial_version():
    for l in groups.iteritems():
        for p in xrange(len(l[1])):

def seq_iteration():
    for l in groups.iteritems():
        for p in l[1]:

def seq_iteration_values():
    for l in groups.itervalues():
        for p in l:

def list_compr():
    [[file_out.write(v) for v in g] for g in groups.itervalues()]

tests = ('initial_version', 'using_map', 'seq_iteration', 'list_compr', 'seq_iteration_values')

for test in tests:
    print test, timeit.timeit('%s()'%test, 'from __main__ import %s'%test, number=10000)


And the result:

initial_version 0.862531900406
using_map 0.703296899796
seq_iteration 0.541372060776
list_compr 0.632550954819
seq_iteration_values 0.493131160736


As you can see, your initial version is the slowest, fixing the iterations helps a lot, the version map()

is short but not as fast as the c version itervalues()

. List accounting that creates unnecessary lists is nice, but still slower than a regular loop.



Cycle concepts do not necessarily speed up the cycle. They only speed up the loop if the end result is to be a list. Enumerating lists is faster than creating an empty list and adding to it one at a time.

In your case, you want to write items to a file rather than create a new list. The cost of creating the list is then lost.

You don't need a call xrange()

, but just go through l[1]

. You don't need .iteritems()

to either, since you are ignoring the keys. Use instead .itervalues()


for lst in Groups.itervalues():
    for p in lst:


I used lst

as a loop variable; l

easy to confuse for i

in many fonts.



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