How does abspath determine if a path is relative?

I know that abspath can take a file or a relative set of files and make the full path for them by adding the current directory as shown in these examples:

>>> os.path.abspath('toaster.txt.')

>>> os.path.abspath('i\\am\\a\\toaster.txt.')


And the full path provided will be considered absolute and will not add this path:

>>> os.path.abspath('C:\\i\\am\\a\\toaster.txt.')
>>> os.path.abspath('Y:\\i\\am\\a\\toaster.txt.')


My question is, how does abspath know how to do this? This is on Windows, so it checks for the "@:" at the beginning (where @ is any alphabet character)?

If so, how do other operating systems define it? The Mac path '/ Volumes /' is less clearly identifiable as a directory.


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1 answer

As for the implementation in CPython , the absolute path in Windows 95 and Windows NT is checked as follows:

# Return whether a path is absolute. 
# Trivial in Posix, harder on Windows. 
# For Windows it is absolute if it starts with a slash or backslash (current 
# volume), or if a pathname after the volume-letter-and-colon or UNC-resource 
# starts with a slash or backslash. 

def isabs(s): 
    """Test whether a path is absolute""" 
    s = splitdrive(s)[1]
    return len(s) > 0 and s[0] in _get_bothseps(s) 


This function is called abspath

if _getfullpathname

not available. Unfortunately I couldn't find an implementation _getfullpathname


Implementation abspath

(if _getfullpathname

not available):

def abspath(path): 
    """Return the absolute version of a path.""" 
    if not isabs(path): 
        if isinstance(path, bytes): 
            cwd = os.getcwdb() 
            cwd = os.getcwd() 
        path = join(cwd, path) 
    return normpath(path) 




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