SPNEGO protocol: access to https webUI via ssh tunnel in firefox

I am trying to access the web interface via Firefox in a Kerberized environment.

I have a cloudera cluster with multiple hadoop services running on it and I am accessing the webUI via an ssh tunnel on PUTTY.

I want to access the webUI to check the job logs that I was trying to run. the problem is that Kerberos security is enabled in the webUI and cannot be accessed without authentication.

Authentication is possible with SPNEGO, but it doesn't work correctly.

The problem I'm currently running into is firefox not responding to www-authenticate with the correct negotiation header. the negotiation header it sends is the header to authenticate to my laptop domain instead of the cluster domain I'm working on.

My question is, is it possible to make firefox send the negotiation header for the correct domain (i.e. the domain of the cluster I am connecting to instead of my own local PC domain).


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