Check if a function is defined in SML

Given the original SML file, is it possible to check (using Poly / ML) if the list of function / value names is defined? If so, how?

Alternatively, I noticed that you can do the following. Suppose we have a source file to check, named somefile.sml

. Suppose we create a file test.sml

with the following content:

use "somefile"
f; (* defined in somefile.sml *)
g; (* undefined *)


And then we run:

use "test" handle e as SyntaxError => (print (exnMessage e));


Unfortunately, this only prints "Static Errors". Is there a way like the one above to identify (in code) that doesn't function in "test.sml"?


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1 answer

There is probably no way to make it portable, but in Poly / ML you can find out if a value is defined or something else using PolyML.globalNameSpace.

To check a value (like a function) use

#lookupVal PolyML.globalNameSpace


This takes a name and returns the type of the parameter, which is SOME if the value is defined and NONE if it was not. So

#lookupVal PolyML.globalNameSpace "f";


will return




#lookupVal PolyML.globalNameSpace "g";


will return NONE.



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