Synchronizing oracle database as local database

I have a central oracle database and I need to write a C # desktop application that can hold all oracle data for autonomy, work with the data and then sync it with oracle later. The local database should be simple and not require administrator rights to install and use, as SQL Compact Edition is unfortunately deprecated)

I want to use modern software architecture, so I thought about using EF 6.0 and generated some objects to work with.

I have read many docs and threads, but it seems that almost everything is out of date. All the tutorials I found were done with Visual Studio 2008. The new Microsoft Sync Framework is 2.1, and another Microsoft Sync Framework Toolkit was released three years ago with no updates. It also uses Microsoft SQL Compact Edition 4.0 which is deprecated ( comment from Microsoft ).

I found an example of Oracle and SQL CE synchronization on Database-Sync-Oracle-and-037fb083

) but it uses an old and legacy namespace System.Data.Oracle


Drawbacks that are not deprecated are SQL Server 2014 Express and LocalDB, but this requires admin rights to install and hundreds of megabytes of disk space)

Also SQLite has been updated and can handle this, but unfortunately there is no support for EF 6.0. Here's a good overview about it

Is there anyone out there who knows some "news" about this?


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1 answer

Finally, I used Access with typed datasets. I'm not happy with this. SQLite was the only real option, but there is also no good viewer to view and edit the data. The client is good with Access, so we used that.

Unfortunately I have two different technologies for using databases in my application. EF for oracles and typed access datasets ... that's bad. nobody knows why Microsoft doesn't have a modern solution for this, without administrator rights and hundreds of megabytes. Also EF can't use Access why. Maybe they want everything in the cloud ...



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