Python 3 for Google App Engine

I started an App Engine project with Python 2.7, but was already used to work with Python 3.

Does anyone know if there are any plans for Google App Engine to work with Python 3?


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3 answers

On August 10, 2016, the Google Cloud Platform Blog announced that Python 3 is in beta for Google App Engine:

Developers working with Python on Google App Engine have long requested support for Python 3 and third-party Python packages. Today we are pleased to announce the beta release of the Python Runtime on the Agile App Engine with support for Python 3.4 and 2.7. You can now develop applications in your preferred version of Python and build your own mobile and web backends using the frameworks and libraries you have. In the meantime, developers benefit from built-in App Engine services such as auto-scaling, load balancing, microservices support, and traffic decoupling, and therefore can focus on their code and not worry about maintaining the infrastructure.



Yes, there are plans, see

(well, this is not exactly a concrete plan, but its an open problem and Google has acknowledged its existence)

However, since Python 2.7.x and Python 3.x are very similar, the priority for implementing Python 3.x support is not very high from Google's perspective. This is probably a huge amount of work to support it and it is not a very important issue. Don't expect Python 3.x to be supported anytime soon.



App Engine new (and currently beta) Flexible Framework supports Python 3.4.



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