Get a Superclass from TypeElement without Generic?

I have a class:

public class StartPagePresenter extends AbstractPresenter<String> {


Using Java annotation processing I got TypeElement

for a class:

TypeElement startPagePresenterType = // get the TypeElement of StartPagePresenter


Now I need to get the superclass that is executed with



Then I tried to check if the superclass is of the correct type:

if ( !startPagePresenterType.getSuperclass().toString().equals(
     AbstractPresenter.class.getCanonicalName()) ) {


Here's the problem: AbstractPresenter.class.getCanonicalName()

Leads to:



and startPagePresenterType.getSuperclass().toString()

results in:



When you compare these strings, they are never equal, although the superclasses are the same.

How do I get a superclass from a startPagePresenterType.getSuperclass()

non shared block?


source to share

1 answer

I found the answer:

TypeMirror superClassTypeMirror = startPagePresenterType.getSuperclass();
TypeElement superClassTypeElement = 


What is it! superClassTypeElement

that is, the TypeElement




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