PHP: create 2 PDOs for two different databases, one block for the second

I have 2 DBs: 1 in MySQL and the other in SQLite3.

I need to insert the same data into both. To achieve this with a form, I am creating a PHP script that has some problems. Below is some code explaining what's going on:

// MySQL
try {
    $sql = new PDO($pdo_servername, $username, $password, $pdo_options);
    $ret = $sql->exec($query);
          echo $sql->lastErrorMsg();
          } else {
          echo "New record created successfully on MySQL DB";   
} catch (PDOException $e) {
    echo $sql . "<br>" . $e->getMessage();

// SQLite
try {
    $sqlite = new PDO($pdo_servername_sqlite3);
    $sqlite->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION);
    $retlite = $sqlite->exec($query);
          echo $sqlite->lastErrorMsg();
          } else {
          echo "New record created successfully on SQLite3 DB"; 
} catch (PDOException $e) {
    echo $sqlite . "<br>" . $e->getMessage();


MySQL works fine and SQLite3 won't even start. By inverting blocks, thus first SQLite3, then MySQL, the problem is inverted: SQLite3 works fine and MySQL does not start. I didn't get any errors

I also tried to avoid trying - finally and I just wrote the code so simply and I have the same situation. Is it forbidden to open 2 PDO connections to two different DBs? Where is my mistake?


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2 answers

Try this way, this is the only breakpoint where you really need try...catch


// MySQL
try {
    $sql = new PDO($pdo_servername, $username, $password, $pdo_options);

} catch (PDOException $e) {
    echo 'MySQL connection failed: ' . "<br>" . $e->getMessage();
    $sql = false;

// SQLite
try {
    $sqlite = new PDO($pdo_servername_sqlite3);
} catch (PDOException $e) {
    echo 'SQLite connection failed: '. "<br>" . $e->getMessage();
    $sqlite = false;

if ($sql != false) {
  $ret = $sql->exec($query);
      echo $sql->lastErrorMsg();
  } else {
      echo "New record created successfully on MySQL DB";   

if ($sqlite != false) {
  $retlite = $sqlite->exec($query);
      echo $sqlite->lastErrorMsg();
  } else {
      echo "New record created successfully on SQLite3 DB"; 




First of all, I want to thank all the contributors here :) I would like to post the final working code because some line needs to be changed as well, follow the code above. Indeed, the PDO method lastErrorMsg();

does not seem to exist, and the same is for PDO method close();

. Instead lastErrorMsg();

, use errorInfo()

this as an array. To close the DB connection: I read somewhere here on Stackoverflow that when the script execution finishes, PDO closes automatically, or you need to destroy the object by assigning null


Because finally the code as suggested by @Alex, with these small changes, worked, I was able to get errors from PHP highlighting the above details. Please, below the below working code, hoping it might be helpful for anyone else, has my same problem:

 * MySQL - try to open it. If it fails, 
 * it returns which error and continues the execution of the script
try {
    $sql = new PDO($pdo_servername, $username, $password, $pdo_options);

} catch (PDOException $e) {
    echo 'MySQL connection failed: ' . "<br>" . $e->getMessage();
    $sql = false;

 * SQLite - try to open it. If it fails, 
 * it returns which error and continues the execution of the script
try {
    $sqlite = new PDO($pdo_servername_sqlite3);
} catch (PDOException $e) {
    echo 'SQLite connection failed: '. "<br>" . $e->getMessage();
    $sqlite = false;

 * If the connection is made, it executes the Query
 * If anything wrong with the Query insertion, an error is returned.
 * The script continues
if ($sql != false) {

  $ret = $sql->exec($query);

      print_r($sql->errorInfo());  // THIS is the valid method for PDO Exec and returns an array
  } else {
      echo "New record created successfully on MySQL DB";   

if ($sqlite != false) {

  $retlite = $sqlite->exec($query);

      print_r($sqlite->errorInfo());  // THIS is the valid method for PDO Exec and returns an array
  } else {
      echo "New record created successfully on SQLite3 DB"; 


 * Closes the DB Connections
$sql = null;
$sqlite = null;


Thank you all for your real help. I really appreciated it :)



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