Loading related dependencies marked as test only when MIX_ENV was not initially set to "test"

I want to programmatically run a task mix test

in my Elixir application. This can be done with Mix.Tasks.Test.run/1

, although trying to do this without first setting an environment variable will MIX_ENV

result in the task being denied.

We can install env with System.put_env/2

, but then the application will crash after it finds a link to the module defined in the dependency checked as soon as the test.

How can I load these dependencies in this situation?


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1 answer

We can set env using System.put_env / 2, but then the application will crash as soon as it finds a link to the module defined in the dependency, marked only as a test.

This is on purpose. You need to set the environment variable before running Mix, otherwise Mix will load the wrong dependencies.

If you are creating a new task, you can tell Mix what is the preferred environment to run it by setting it [preferred_cli_env: [my_task: :test]]

to your project function. Other than that, you have no option other than setting MIX_ENV explicitly.



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