Opecv C ++ mapping descriptors from file

I extract descriptors

and then save them to a file like this:

detector->detect(img, imgKpts);
extractor->compute(img, imgKpts, imgMat);
fsKpts << filename << imgMat;


but when i read

go back like this:

std::vector<cv::Mat> filesDVec;
cv::Mat temp;
fs[filename] >> temp;


and match


with the image loaded:

cv::Mat givenIn, givenInMat;
givenIn = cv::imread(dataDirGivenIn, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE);
cv::vector<cv::KeyPoint> givenInKpts;
detector->detect(givenIn, givenInKpts);
extractor->compute(givenIn, givenInKpts, givenInMat);
cv::vector<cv::DMatch> matchesVector;


with 2 cv::Mat

in this way:

matcher->match(filesDVec[i], givenInMat, matchesVector);


AKA match(Scene, Object, ...)

conclusion: minDist = 100 maxDist = 0

(more than one match).

But with them like this:

matcher->match(givenInMat, filesDVec[i], matchesVector);


AKA match(Object, Scene, ...)

this error is triggered:

opencv error:assertion failed (type == src2.type() && src1.cols == src2.cols && (type == CV_32F || type = CV_8U)) in void cv::batchDistance


I want descriptive information from each saved image to be loaded, what am I doing wrong?


I would add that this is not an example of trying to map and image to oneself as it is known to matcher

fail if the object and original image are equal for testing purposes.

Edit 2

File contents:

Image_0: !!opencv-matrix
   rows: 315
   cols: 32
   dt: u
   data: [ 0, 128, 196, 159, 108, 136, 172, 39, 188, 3, 114, 16, 172,
       234, 0, 66, 74, 43, 46, 128, 64, 172, 67, 239, 4, 54, 218, 8, 84,
       0, 225, 136, 160, 133, 68, 155, 204, 136, 232, 47, 61, 17, 115,
       18, 236, 106, 8, 81, 107, 131, 46, 128, 114, 56, 67, 213, 12, 50,
       218, 64, 21, 8, 209, 136, 180, 69, 70, 142, 28, 130, 238, 96, 141,
       128, 243, 2, 74, 74, 37, 65, 120, 161, 78, 226, 104, 163, 0, 204,



std::vector<cv::Mat> filesDVec(imgVec.size());
cv::Mat temp;
cv::FileStorage fs("tileDesc.yml", cv::FileStorage::READ);
for(size_t i = 0; i < (imgVec.size()); i++){
    cv::string iValue = std::to_string(i);
    cv::string filename = "Image_" + iValue;
    fs[filename] >> temp;



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2 answers

The problem is you allocate and build filesDVec

with elements imgVec.size()

(they are empty cv::Mat

s). Then each descriptor (you load in a loop for

) is added at the end of the vector filesDVec


As a result, you are trying to match some empty ones cv::Mat

with givenInMat

and most likely it will crash the application or assert. Try to read it like below:

std::vector<cv::Mat> filesDVec;
cv::Mat temp;
cv::FileStorage fs("tileDesc.yml", cv::FileStorage::READ);

for(size_t i = 0; i < (imgVec.size()); i++){
    cv::string iValue = std::to_string(i);
    cv::string filename = "Image_" + iValue;
    fs[filename] >> temp;





Did you open the file in READ mode? Otherwise opencv will clear the file before reading it.

FileStorage fsKpts(filename, FileStorage::READ);
fsKpts[filename] >> temp;



FileStorage fsKpts(filename, FileStorage::WRITE);




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