Modifying the second result of a function call with mock

I have a loop that looks like this:

for i in range(len(some_list)):
    response =, some_params)
    if response.status_code != HTTPOk:
       # do something


What I would like to do is change the response of in the second iteration of the loop. From my test, I know I can do something like:

mock_response = mock.Mock()
mock_response.status_code = 404
with mock.patch(, return_value=mock_response):


But this only works for one status_code. I looked at side_effect and it looks like I can iterate over the loop this way:

mock_response.side_effect = [
    mock.Mock(status_code=400), mock.Mock(status_code=200)
with mock.patch(, return_value=mock_response):


However, it looks like it is not actually getting the "correct" status code. What's the best way to change the behavior in side_effect or return_value in order to get the behavior I want correctly? I think side_effect is what I want, but I'm not sure if the best way is to mock the answers.


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2 answers

An easier and more straightforward way to do it

with mock.patch("", 
                side_effect=[Mock(status_code=400), Mock(status_code=200)]) as mock_post:



create mock_post

an object MagicMock(side_effect=mock_responses)

and replace the link

. You can also use mock_post

to test calls post()

like this:

mock_post.assert_has_calls([, first_params),, second_params)])


You can do the same job with build and configure mock_post

before and then pass it as a parameter new

(second argument patch

), but this way you have 2 disadvantages

  • More code to write
  • Can't use options autospec=True


Autospeccing is a very powerful framework feature mock

that prevents many silly bugs in both test and code.



It actually turns out that it was simple:

mock_response.side_effect = [
    mock.Mock(status_code=400), mock.Mock(status_code=200)
with mock.patch(, mock_response):




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