Resizing Divs programmatically

I am working on an HTML5 browser that can be divided into 3 parts: two UI panels to the left and right of the center of a set of square canvases for a playable surface. The three panels must be horizontally aligned and the overall game must maintain a 16: 9 aspect ratio. The left and right panels must be the same width, and all three panels must be the same height. I have specified the minimum width and height inside the resize () function called when the onresize event is detected.

Currently, each panel is a div and all three are contained within a section. Right now, no section is needed, but I want the game to be separate from the additional content at the bottom of the screen that I can add later.

The CSS looks like this:

* {
    vertical-align: baseline;
    font-weight: inherit;
    font-family: inherit;
    font-style: inherit;
    font-size: 100%;
    border: 0 none;
    outline: 0;
    padding: 0;
    margin: 0;

#gameSection {
    white-space: nowrap;
    overflow-x: hide;
    overflow-y: hide;

#leftPanel, #centerPanel, #rightPanel {
    display: inline-block;

#leftPanel {
    background-color: #6495ed;

#centerPanel {
    background-color: #e0ffff;

#rightPanel {
    background-color: #b0c4de;


Right now, I have set the background color of each div to show me when I am setting the size of each div correctly.

The body of my HTML document looks like this:

<body onresize="resize()">
    <section id="gameSection">
        <div id="leftPanel">Left Panel.</div>
        <div id="centerPanel">Center Panel.</div>
        <div id="rightPanel">Right Panel.</div>


And finally, my resize () function (I created a separate function to resize the game if I add multiple items below):

    function resize() {
        var MIN_GAME_WIDTH = 800;
        var MIN_GAME_HEIGHT = 450;
        var GAME_ASPECT_RATIO = 16 / 9;

        var width = window.innerWidth;
        var height = window.innerHeight;

        var gWidth, gHeight;

        if(width < MIN_GAME_WIDTH || height < MIN_GAME_HEIGHT) {
            gWidth = MIN_GAME_WIDTH;
            gHeight = MIN_GAME_HEIGHT;
        else if ((width / height) > GAME_ASPECT_RATIO) {
            <!-- width is too large for height -->
            gHeight = height;
            gWidth = height * GAME_ASPECT_RATIO;
        else {
            <!-- height is too large for width -->
            gWidth = width;
            gHeight = width / GAME_ASPECT_RATIO;

        resizeGame(gWidth, gHeight, GAME_ASPECT_RATIO);

    function resizeGame(var gWidth, var gHeight, var aspectRatio) {
        var gSection = document.getElementById("gameSection");
        var lPanel = document.getElementById("leftPanel");
        var cPanel = document.getElementById("centerPanel");
        var rPanel = document.getElementById("rightPanel");

        gSection.height = gHeight;
        gSection.width = gWidth;

        <!-- should the below be taken care of in the CSS? -->
        lPanel.height = gHeight;
        cPanel.height = gHeight;
        rPanel.height = gHeight;

        cPanel.width = cPanel.height;
        lPanel.width = (gWidth - cPanel.width) / 2;
        rPanel.width = lPanel.width;


I tried several different commands to resize the div, but it just doesn't work for me. When I try to add test canvases the color appears, but the boxes are still out of size. I also looked at loading an invisible background image on each div and scaling it to the correct size; However, I was able to resize my canvas using the above method before and it seemed to work fine.

Additional Notes
Although I've already managed to resize one canvas, I don't want to use only one canvas for the game, because not all parts of the UI need to be drawn at the same time.

I am trying to keep this in Javascript only.

I suspect I can just use CSS to handle the resizing by setting the aspect ratio to 16: 9 and using width: 56.25% for the center bar and width: 21.875% for the sidebars, but that limits me to one aspect and doesn't explain why my above script doesn't work.

I can provide the entire HTML file if needed. This is what should have looked like this: End goal (no right panel)




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1 answer

I got it kind of like here . I made many changes / minor fixes to the code before finding what was wrong (other than various syntax errors):

You used .width

both .height

instead of .style.width

and .style.height

, and you applied integers to them instead of strings with "px" attached to them. Both of these things are pretty self-explanatory to skip.

I also moved onresize from body tag to JS, not sure why it didn't work on jsfiddle, but it's good practice anyway.

In the future: learn how to debug JS using the console, and when you ask questions, use small examples rather than your entire codebase. This question could be simplified: "How do I resize a div?" with one line of JS and one div. You should also ignore this specificity in JS and use flexbox as redbmk said.



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