Selecting Data from User Input with Entity Framework

I have a form that contains some CheckedListBoxes as shown here:

I can expand my data from the first two columns with:

var take = await cmax.dbases.Where(w => statuses.Any(a => w.statusname == a) 
                                        && portfolios.Any(a => w.portfolio == a)).Take(Math.Min((int) takeAmount, count - taken)).ToListAsync();


I would then like to be able Select()

to select specific data based on my selection in the 2nd two CheckedListBoxes, however the only way I know to select data with EntityFramework is:

Select(s => new { s.ColumnNameHere, s.OtherColumnNameHere });


How can I select specific properties (columns) based on user input?


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1 answer

You can use DynamicLinq

With its help, you can write statements like this (example from the site above):

var query = db.Customers.Select("new (CompanyName as Name, Phone)");


So, you need to create a string of the list of fields and concatenate them or whatever.



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