Required keys for destruction

Is there a way to get an exception if the keys you are trying to destroy are not in the map passed to your function? Would this be a good use case for a macro?

For example:

(defn x [{:keys [a b]}] (println a b))

I would like this to work:

(x {:a 1 :b 2})

But this is to throw an exception (: b is missing)

(x {:a 1})


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1 answer

How about a precondition ?

(defn x [{:keys [a b]}]
  {:pre [(some? a) (some? b)]}
  (println a b))

user=> (x {:a 1})
AssertionError Assert failed: (some? b)  user/x (NO_SOURCE_FILE:1)


Edit: Yes, you can use a macro to handle this for you. Maybe something like this:

(defmacro defnkeys [name bindings & body]
  `(defn ~name [{:keys ~bindings}]
     {:pre ~(vec (map #(list 'some? %) bindings))}

(defnkeys foo [a b]
  (println a b))

(foo {:a 1 :b 2})
(foo {:a 1}) ;; AssertionError Assert failed: (some? b)
(foo {:a 1 :b nil}) ;; AssertionError Assert failed: (some? b)




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