CMD: What drive letter is my Android device using?

I have a script package where I copy a file to my Android Phone SD card. I have bulk storage mode enabled, so I just use the command cp

and not adb push


The problem is my flash drive is connected at the same time, the drive letter is changed. Also, if I went to a computer with a different drive setup, I would be in the same pickle ...

How do I determine which drive letter my phone is using?


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1 answer

You can get the serial number of your Android device and compare with all the serial numbers of the mass storage devices on your computer. For example:

for /f "tokens=5" %A in ('dir C:^|findstr /i /c:"Volume Serial Number"') do if %A==00CC-CEF9 echo This is the drive


Put the serial number in% A to compare it with the serial number of your android device.



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