Donut text color Chart.js

How do you change the donut text color and donut filler colors separately? I have something like this:

var  color = [ "#3F9F3F", "#FFFFFF" ];
var chartData =  {
  label :  myLabels, 
  data : myData,
  colors : color


The second color attribute overrides everything I've tried. What property, specifically for donuts, would fix this?

enter image description here

I want the text color to be different from black in the chart.


This is a jsfiddle I found that shows a basic diagram.

The question is how to change the font color inside the donut?

Edit 2:

Implemented the color of the text inside the donuts, while it affects the secondary color, was actually written using canvas.fillText (). So all I needed was to add .fillStyle = "whatever" and it works.


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2 answers

Implemented the color of the text inside the donuts, while it affects the secondary color, was actually written using canvas.fillText (). So all I needed was to add .fillStyle = "whatever" and it works.




    var myPie = new Chart(document.getElementById("canvas").getContext("2d")).Doughnut(pieData,{percentageInnerCutout : 80});



    var myPie = new Chart(document.getElementById("canvas").getContext("2d")).Doughnut(pieData,doughnutOptions);


You can find all available options here

For colored text you can add this option

var doughnutOptions= {
 scaleLabel: '<p style="color: red"><%=value%></p>'


Change style="color: red"

to the color you want



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