D3.js / Dc.js different colored line segments for one line in a line chart

I created a line chart in dc.js that builds on d3.js. I am doing counting on y-axis and clock on x-axis. I want the line to be blue between midnight-8am, orange from 8-12pm, red from 12pm to 5pm, and green from 5pm to 11am. I tried to create 4 different paths (one of the examples below) with different colors. Colors do appear, but they add extra lines between data points, and some colors blend together, especially if a lighter color is chosen. I have attached an image of what I want the lines to look like. If someone can point me in the right direction, I would really appreciate it.

var path2 = layersEnter.append("path")
        .attr("class", "line2")
        .attr("stroke", "#B31E3F")
        .attr("stroke-width", "3px")
        .attr("fill", "none");
    if (_dashStyle)
        path.attr("stroke-dasharray", _dashStyle);

    dc.transition(layers.select("path.line2"), _chart.transitionDuration())
        .attr("d", function (d) {
            var segments2 = d.points;
            //console.log("s2b: " + segments2);
            //segments2.splice(23, 1);
            //segments2.splice(22, 1);
            //segments2.splice(21, 1);
            //segments2.splice(20, 1);
            //segments2.splice(19, 1);
            //segments2.splice(18, 1);
            //segments2.splice(17, 1);
            //segments2.splice(16, 1);
            //segments2.splice(15, 1);
            //segments2.splice(14, 1);
            //segments2.splice(13, 1);
            //segments2.splice(12, 1);
            //segments2.splice(11, 1);
            //segments2.splice(10, 1);
            segments2.splice(9, 1);
            segments2.splice(8, 1);
            segments2.splice(7, 1);
            segments2.splice(6, 1);
            //segments2.splice(5, 1);
            //segments2.splice(4, 1);
            //segments2.splice(3, 1);
            //segments2.splice(2, 1);
            //segments2.splice(1, 1);
            //segments2.splice(0, 1);

            //console.log("s2a: " + segments2);
            return safeD(line(segments2));


Desired Output


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1 answer

One option you might want to consider is using a gradient. Something like:

<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="100%"
  viewBox="0 0 100 100" preserveAspectRatio="none"> 

  <linearGradient id="g">
    <stop offset="0" stop-color="#008"/>
    <stop offset=".2" stop-color="#008"/>
    <stop offset=".2001" stop-color="#960"/>
    <stop offset=".5" stop-color="#960"/>
    <stop offset=".5001" stop-color="#800"/>
    <stop offset=".8" stop-color="#800"/>
    <stop offset=".8001" stop-color="#080"/>
    <stop offset="1" stop-color="#080"/>

  <path d="M 3 48 30 50 50 78 97 22" stroke-width="4" stroke="url(#g)" fill="none"/>


Play with him here

svg should be simple enough to create with D3, but there are some bugs, for example I've seen problems in some browsers where the gradient ID was not unique across the page.

Also note if there are ways to control how the gradient maps to your path, which you can read about here



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