How do I register an item with a protractor?

I am trying to find an element using a protractor, but I cannot find it. To debug, I would like to look at the item I found and see what it is. I have a code like this:

      myElement.all(by.cssContainingText('.name', 'value')).then(function (elems) {
    console.log(elems.length); <--- this line logs "2"
    console.log(elems[1]); <--- this line logs "{ ptor_: ...."
        console.log(html); <--- never gets here
    }); });


How can I find out which elements the all () method found?


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1 answer

Not sure if this is the best / most concise way, but you should use map

to loop through the elements and use getOuterHtml()

for every HTML access

myElement.all(by.cssContainingText('.name', 'value')).map(function(el) {
  return el.getOuterHtml();
}).then(function(html) {




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