The state of the bound parameter in the promise

I am interested in the time when I associate something with a promise.

var that = this;
function p(){

    var promise = new Promise(
        function (yes, no) {
        /* ....  */
        /* ....  */
        }).then(function (val) {
        /* ....  */
        /* ....  */


Will there be a condition

that === this


allways returns true, given that the scope outside of the promise is asynchronous, and .then

may be resolved later in the lifecycle.

In other words, will it this

have the same meaning as when the first function was called, or will it have a meaning since it is actually used in the part .then



source to share

2 answers

The value is this

determined by what is to the left of point in the calling method. If you don't call a method on the object, it this

will be global (window in the browser).

In your example, the line var that = this

sets the value of this to this global window variable (or global). Therefore, in this particular case, it will always equal this. However, this has a side effect if you used another object like this

and then in

function (yes, no) {
    /* ....  */
    /* ....  */


this !== that

I made a small fiddle as an example



Inside the function then

, that === this

. This is true because of the function bind


There is no way to define a value inside a promise function this

, but it won't that


The reason is that we do not know the context in which the function will be called. This function is not tied to that

, so we know it won't be an object this

. The object this

can be global, or it can be associated with something else through a call bind

or call

. In this case, it this

will be different.



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