What is this array declaration?

After solving a practical question, I always look at Red Coder's solution. I saw an array declaration today that I have never seen before. He declared an array something like this

 char a['  '],b['  '];


Please let me know what it is?

PS. This may be a recurring question. I actually searched for it but couldn't find anything about it (maybe because I didn't know what to look for), if it is a duplicate please close the question and give me a link.


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1 answer

Single quotes are a character constant.

  • ' '

    can be a space that 32

    is ASCII.
  • ' '

    can be an embedded TAB character, which is 9

  • ' '

    can be two spaces to be implementation specific int


In any case, you can specify any expression that is an integer type (or convertible to one) inside []

an array declaration. So you get sizeof a


either 9

or the implementation-defined value.



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