How to update marker positions in real time

I am creating an employee tracker where I will get all the Lat working current every 30 seconds and update it on the server, and then the Admin module will fetch the Lat-long of each employee from the server and update the token position.

So please tell me how to update the position of 100 markers without creating a UI thread in Android.

please help him is very important to me.


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1 answer

You can update your interface after every 30 seconds using a handler. Create a separate method that retrieves and displays the marker on the map.

Use the below code in your activity -

    Handler UI_HANDLER = new Handler();
    UI_HANDLER.postDelayed(UI_UPDTAE_RUNNABLE, 30000);


and below is the Runnable method which puts any place in your activity -

Runnable UI_UPDTAE_RUNNABLE = new Runnable() {

    public void run() {
        drawAllMarker();//Method that will get employee location and draw it on map
        UI_HANDLER.postDelayed(UI_UPDTAE_RUNNABLE, 30000);


Hope this helps you.



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