How do I convert a ConcurrentDictionary to a dictionary at runtime?

I know how to convert ConcurrentDictionary to dictionary.

And I know that I can use reflection to determine if a ConcurrentDictionary object contains.

But after I have determined that the object has a ConcurrentDictionary through reflection, how do I convert it to a dictionary at runtime? Or can I do this at all? He's going to change the definition of the class, right?

Edit: I should have made it clearer. I'll give an example:

    public class CacheItem
        private ConcurrentDictionary<string, CacheItemEntity> _cacheItemDictionary = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, CacheItemEntity>();



When I serialize an instance of this class, AVRO cannot serialize the ConcurrentDictionary. So I wondered if I could convert the ConcurrentDictionary to a regular dictionary at runtime. And it certainly changes the definition of a class. I'm just wondering if it can be done like this.


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1 answer

ConcurrentDictionary<TKey, TValue>

implements IDictionary<TKey, TValue>

, so anywhere you try to use a "dictionary" you can use an interface. For example:

void ConsumeIDictionary(IDictionary dic)
   //perform work on a dictionary, regardless of the concrete type


You can call a method like this and you should be fine:

ConsumeIDictionary(new ConcurrentDictionary<int,int>());


Alternatively, if you have a method that you want to use that requires a specific type Dictionary<TKey,TValue>

, you can use the Dictionary constructor that takes an existing IDictionary:

void ConsumeDictionary<K,V>(Dictionary<K,V> dic)
   //perform work on a concrete Dictionary


Then call it like this:

   new Dictionary(
       new ConcurrentDictionary<int,int>()));


Just remember that calling this constructor is an operation O(n)


If you're trying to use reflection, you can determine that the object is a ConcurrentDictionary by examining the object's type at runtime via GetType()


bool IsConcurrentDictionary<k, v>(obj o)
    return o.GetType() == typeof(ConcurrentDictionary<k,v>);


But in this case, you can forget about the generic type parameters and just check the interface IDictionary


bool IsDictionary(obj o)
    return o is IDictionary;




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